Thursday, November 6, 2008

Taking out the trash

I watched part of the "Jon and Kate + 8" the other night before sleepy time. I usually will watch from time to time to see how they handle stressful moments or issues with two 1st graders and six 3 yr. olds. They had there first planned movie night with popcorn and drinks in the basement to watch something the kids would enjoy. They love animals! So they watched "Planet Earth". My opinion.....HUGE mistake! They loved the monkeys, lions and goats. Until they saw one lion devour a monkey on the screen. It reminded me that I too have to be carefull what my son should watch. It is not out of trying to raise them like Quakers or to take away there rights. It is out of protection. Shouldn't I feel he would be ready before I allow him to view questionable stuff. They should be old enough to understand when you explain what is going on. Now I have the Gosselins in my memory as they are screaming and crying over the Lion eating the monkey. Now I am still terrified that they continued to allow them to watch the Lion eat the entire monkey. Every experience we’ve had is recorded in our memory (I wish I had the delete button for some of mine). If the sum of our life experience is negative and self-gratifying, that backlog of memory can have a powerful influence over our present circumstances. It’s important that we go to work eliminating the effects of those experiences.

One way to aid this process is what we could call the principle of diluting. If a truck carrying a toxic substance has a wreck on the freeway, a specialized crew is called to clear the toxins from the scene. To completely clear the contamination they’d have to get rid of the pavement, the dirt, and everything that’s affected. Instead, they spray a liquid on the contaminated area which dilutes the toxin, rendering it harmless. In a similar way, we can cancel the poisonous effects of the past by diluting them and covering them with God’s Word. Ephesians 5:26 says Jesus sanctified the Church, "having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word…" As we meditate on the Word and act on what we learn, we receive cleansing and purifying benefits.
The disciplines of Bible meditation, scripture memorization are important tools and having company that will protect you from the trash this world dishes out will not only bring cleansing, but also help us remain wholehearted on this life long journey. This life is already hard enough....why make it harder! Take out the trash!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Who am I?

A very dirty little fellow came in from playing in the yard and asked his mother, "Who am I?" Ready to play the game she said, "I don't know! Who are you?" "WOW!" cried the child. "Mrs. Johnson was right! She said I was so dirty, my own mother wouldn't recognize me!"

Friday, August 15, 2008


In the new revolution of HD, could we be over simplifying our life. Yes, we want to see things clear but to what point. I know this may seem funny or obscene but there is a point. I was watching the synchronize divers from Olympics at a friends house who has HD 64inch TV. The divers do not appear to have their country flags on their rear any longer, now they are placed right of the Adidas symbol which places them on the crotch. So when a friend asked what country the divers were from, immediately the 10-12 viewers went to look at the flag and saw it with amazing detail! I just thought it was funny that some of us was squinting at the screen because the diver had moved a little to find the country flag on his groin!

At that time, I was actually thankful to have a normal TV at home. I do not need the latest thing. I have a friend that bought the new type of know the text buttons with I-Pod screen, dictionary, etc. He was excited to get this new product but 4 months later and the only thing he has used it for was as a phone. He still hasn't learned how to use it for texting. Sure it is great to have these nice products but are they needed. Many times we find luxeries a necessity. We could get by with what we have without spending the money or time with family. Yes, I could be seen as a old geezer. Telling the young people of today, "When I was a kid....". I am just simply saying that sometimes we do not need what we think we need. Maybe we should simplify our life with how we should spend our time, than look at how we can simplify our life. Sometimes the gadgets aren't worth it.
This comes from a blogger that was caught looking at the details!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The cruel disappearing Magic trick!

I have always had fun with the habit my parents had with me. I would misbehave and one of my parents would say to the other "Your son.....". The angry parent would dis-own me in seconds. One bad decision made me disappear! It was like one of my friend's magic tricks. "Watch me lose a child in one bad decision!". I found myself doing that again this morning. My 7 month old was having trouble staying asleep at 2:30 due to congestion. When my wife woke up this morning for work I told her "Your son kept me up all night!". Now anybody that really knows me would know that I was just kidding but that behavior was followed with the thought "What if....What if God (Papa) said this to me and meant it?"

Wow....what a jaw dropper! I know this may catch people off guard but before you take offense, Think about it! I was given the "License to sin". I have made a commitment to a relationship that in return I was given the license to sin. This is a huge insurance policy that I did not earn but accepted as a gift. How would it feel to be told "your not my child any longer". There would be some major abandonment issues. "But why...what did I do for you to dis-own me???". This level of behavior could domino into a world of despair and pain in no time.

I am thankful to have a father that will love me no matter what I do! I am not trying to test him but I enjoy having this insurance policy...It makes things easier when I do make bad decisions!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Like Sheep

Once you were wandering like lost sheep. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls. (1 Peter 2:25)

On more than one occasion, the Bible compares Christians to sheep. I don't know if I'm really happy about that, because sheep are not the most intelligent animals on earth.

It would have been nice if God had compared us to dolphins. Now there's an intelligent animal. I once had the opportunity to talk to a man who trained dolphins. I asked him, "Are dolphins really as intelligent as they seem?" He said, "In some ways, yes, and in some ways, no. They are very intelligent in many ways, because a dolphin can read a symbol and understand what it means." That is amazing to me.

But Jesus didn't compare us to dolphins. He compared us to sheep. And sheep are some of the stupidest animals around.

They are easily spooked. They are vulnerable. They have no defense mechanisms to speak of. They can't run very fast. They are in constant need of care and attention. They have a horrible tendency to follow each other, even to their own death. It has been documented that if one sheep walks off a cliff, the others will follow.

The Bible says, "All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God's paths to follow our own" (Isaiah 53:6). Think about how many people have bought into the same lies, generation after generation. They fall into the same junk, the same addictions, and the same traps again and again.

We are like sheep. That is a fact. The question is, am I going to be a smart sheep or a dumb one? Smart sheep stay close to the Shepherd, and that is where we all need to be.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To be alone with you - Sufjan Stevens

I'd swim across Lake Michigan
I'd sell my shoes
I'd give my body to be back again
In the rest of the room
To be alone with you
To be alone with you
You gave your body to the lonely
They took your clothes
You gave up a wife and a family
You gave your ghost
To be alone with me
To be alone with me
To be alone with me
You went up on a tree
To be alone with me
You went up on a tree
I've never known a man who loved me


Letting Go!

Sometimes I just have to let go. When I hold on too tightly it nearly, if not entirely drives me to the point of insanity.I’ve found this to apply to all areas of my life. Letting go doesn’t mean giving up or forgetting. It just means releasing your grip, yielding control.I can’t control things.

I can’t control the grade I got on a paper in class or job evaluation that I felt was graded unjustly.

I can’t control the feelings and biases of others.

I can’t control love.

I can’t control death.

I’ve found that in my life, I’ve held too tightly. I have striven for perfection and foolishly become disheartened to the point of paralysis in the times I have failed. And I have failed miserably at times, mostly at accepting grace.Grace is a hard thing, particularly the grace that comes from Jesus Christ.I sin. And when I sin I feel so bad that I send myself the almost subconscious message that God cannot love me. A friend of mine put it best when he stated: “Man, I feel like I’m God’s bad little kid.” I know I am a child of God, that he has accepted me into his family. At times I feel like I’m definitely the bad one, that God is continually disappointed and is giving me the silent treatment.The thing is, he’s not as far off as I make him. It’s just about surrender.

The heart of my issue is that I am not accepting the fact that the blood of Jesus was sufficient to cover all of my sin, and when the guilt I feel over my sin paralyzes me, it is certainly not from Him. It is buying into the lie that the sacrifice Christ made was not enough.

That sickens me.

So I have to let go. Let go of my belief that I can be perfect in my own strength. Let go of the idea that I’ll never be good enough.

I am loved by God, and His love is perfect. Who am I to reject such an unfathomable gift? So my demon is definetly: Surrender! I am sure there are many laymen among us that do not comprehend the depth in the term "surrender" as well.

Thankfully dealing with Grace, love, Travis!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Clean - Inside Out

This is a devotion that I read recently and really enjoyed!

"You try to look like upright people outwardly, but inside your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness." (Matthew 23:28)
People make changes in their lives for many reasons. Often it is when they face a crisis in life. It might be a heart attack. It might be the loss of a spouse through death or divorce. It might some other crisis that hits them, and they begin to evaluate their priorities and take stock of their lives. They determine to make changes.
But often the same people who vow to change end up going back to their old ways. We often hear of celebrities being admitted to drug rehabilitation centers. We hear about the great changes they have made. They tell their stories on television and write books about it. But then a few months later, we read that they have gone back to their old ways. Why? Because they have made moral changes in their lives, but they haven't gotten to the root of their problem, which is the absence of God in their lives.
Jesus warned the Pharisees, "First wash the inside of the cup, and then the outside will become clean, too" (Matthew 23:26). Jesus was telling them that they were missing the point when they only concentrated on the outward. They must first take care of the inward.
The clear mandate given to the church from the lips of Jesus Himself was to go into this world and preach the gospel, because when people truly find Him, it will change their lifestyle. If, as believers, we allow other things to detract us from this calling, then we are also missing the point. As Jesus said, "First wash the inside, . . . and then the outside will become clean, too." That is where we must focus our efforts.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Great Birthday!

Ahhhh….another birthday! Whooppee! I have never been big on birthdays. I do not care for keeping track of age, etc! To me it is pointless! You are only as old as you feel! However, this year was a special one. C-mack is now in my life and I feel completely blessed! I do not want or need a gift! Heck, I spent my birthday shopping for Carson. What does that tell you????
But this year, I received a card from Carson. That was when it hit me! I am a father!!! I have just received the first of many cards to come. I actually teared up! It was absolutely great! Then I opened up the card from my wonderful and hot wife. It has a women in a night gown sitting on the master bed. The front said “This year I give you what you have always wanted!” and the inside said “24 hours of being right!”. So we had some fun with this! I began saying ridiculous stuff like “Honey, I think it would be best to buy a truck right now!” and my wife would look at the clock to see how much time was left until my 24 hours was up. And she would say “yes, your right!”. Honey, You know my life would be more meaningfull if you were not in it and she would look at the clock and let out a frustrated breath and say “yes, your right!”. “Honey, I know that your allergic to the grass but I think it would be a good idea if you mowed the lawn!” and she would look for the clock and say “yes, your right!”. We were having a lot of fun with this! She was talking about just giving it to me every year!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Beautiful Day!
Easter 2008

I Sorry, I have been a bit busy lately but here are some recent pics and a exercise video!

Exercise time!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm a MAN!!!!!

I have decided to contribute to the ongoing cultural debate that has spanned centuries and will probably never cease. The debate is over the answer to this question:
What makes a real man?
A friend of mine helped me make a dining room table and professed to his mother that "he is now a man" because he used the miter saw for the first time. Oh the "man dust" was sprinkled on him and he was instantly made a man!!!! (can't you hear the 100 member chior singing hallelujah!!)I think the answer is more simple than one would imagine, and I am more than thrilled to tell you I have found a definitive answer. But before I reveal this ground-breaking, earth-shattering breakthrough, I want to begin looking for the answer to the question by asking a few of my own.
First, is a man made by his courage?
You know, that whole “This is Sparta” thing. "My name is Maximus" Some would say so. Many, in fact. I for one think courage is overrated. Consider the apostle Peter. If he hadn’t been such a coward he never would have been such a shining example of restoration. And I think Peter was quite a man…fisherman, ear-cutter-offer. I don’t really think any man has courage when it comes down to it. Don’t believe me? Put any husband in a situation where he is being called out by his wife for (fill in the blank…forgetting to take out the trash, glancing at the TV during a Victoria’s Secret ad) and watch him squirm like a sniveling, pathetic six-year-old.
Then, is a man defined by his strength?
But what is strength? Being chisled and yoked? Or is it an inner thing–like doing the right thing in a situation when it is difficult to do so? When I was a kid, I saw this girl at the gym doing one day and I think she had like thirteen huge plates on each side of the weight bar. I looked at her upper legs and realized you could fit three of my entire body in one of them. I used the mirrors in the gym for several minutes to get a view of this person from every angle and I did indeed confirm that she was female. I then feared for my life, because I think she caught me doing this “research.” I exited to the “men’s locker room” ironically enough. Run away run away!
No, muscles do not make the man. Inner strength, then? It does take inner strength to be an adult male. Like when I am at a stoplight and the person behind me honks and instead of hitting the gas I stay on the brakes until the light turns yellow, then watch the guy’s expression as he has to wait for the next green at the light behind me as I zoom through the intersection. It also takes great strength to find your way to your destination when you are lost without asking a single solitary human soul just to show your spouse that no, you are not lost, but taking a “short cut.”

What about honor?
To me, this is synonimous with intergrity. It means being the same person in public as in private. I look at Peter Parker and Clark Kent as my shining examples of this concept. If these guys didn’t have skeletons they wouldn’t be super heroes. Not that I am saying leading a double life is good. It isn’t. But every guy has secrets. That’s why we need a cave. Not all secrets are bad by the way. But whose business is it really that my #1 favorite cavetime activity is playing World of Warcraft. I am now going to go ahead and equip my “Epic Axe. “ And a little “Four Wheels of Fury.” (this was just sarcasm.....I enjoy the quiet moments that remind you again of how great God is!)

What about intelligence?
Have you ever seen Sixteen Candles? Of course you have. You know John Cusack’s character. He would not be considered "the man" in most social circles but I for one would because I loved this John Hughes character! I can just see him now with braces and starring at the girls underwear being held high by Anthony Michael Hall. But he would hardly be considered a man because of his smarts!

Is a man defined by the size of his truck tires?
Um…no. He is not. Chances are the guy with the big truck also was also the guy in elementary school that promised you a knuckle sandwich if you did not hand over your Snack Pack. But then again I am probably being judgmental. You may have a big truck and be a swell guy. But maybe, just maybe, you are overcompensating for something. Or maybe you just like making others plummet nine feet to the ground as they exit your vehicle, thus causing severe injury. I for one drive a old small SUV and can still beat you up very badly, big truck guy.

So what about conquests?
Surely a man is a man when he boasts of successful heists while carrying on his back the carcass of dead creatures slew by his own hand while dragging his maiden behind him home to roast his hunting prize.

My dad will have my hide for saying this because he raised me to be a hunter. For some reason when I was twelve years old (sitting in the woods in subzero temperatures staring down the barrel of my rifle at that fuzzy, defenseless rabbit that I could have very easily taken home as a pet) hunting was not my idea of a good time. Killing cute, cuddly things, whether in actuality or metaphorically in reference to locker room talk, does not strike me in any way to be representative of any of the aforementioned qualities of maledom. Yes, I still shot the rabbit. And retired from the sport shortly after I carried the steaming carcass out of the woods and bragged to all my friends about it.

OK, so, none of the above makes a real man, in my opinion.
So what does?
I am now going to tell you, and you are going to be shocked at how much this makes sense.
That’s it.
That is, if you cry ONLY for great moments in sports. You have to possess the emotional vulnerability of petrified forest to be a true representative of the male species. You cannot even feel the tiniest tug on your heart for anything else. This especially includes tender moments with females, your children, Hallmark movoe or episodes of Extreme Home Makeover. You cannot show the faintest glint of breaking character even when songs like “Wild Horses” (by the Sundays not the Stones) are played around you. There is no reason to shed a tear in any–and I mean any–of life’s circumstances. Except one:
Here is the litmus test. I want you to watch the following three things. If you cry after these you are male. If you do not, you are female:
1. Go to youtube and type in “Autistic Basketball Player.”
2. Watch any Michael Jordan DVD
3. Find a replay of the 1987 college football game between Boston College and Miami when Doug Flutie threw a touchdown pass to Gerard Phelan with no time on the clock to win the game. I saw this live on TV when I was just a kid and I swear it changed my life. It made my eyeballs sweat!

**Author’s note: I do not actually play world of warcraft. But I think that commercial for the Toyota trucks is hilarious. In fact, I don’t think being a man has anything to do with football or sports. And also, I find that when guys are completely out of touch with their emotions it is actually a huge problem (which is why I was making fun of it in this post). Being a man, in truth, has everything to do with having, honor, courage, faith, emotional honesty, and trust in God. Just wanted to clarify. The blog is for your entertainment and the sarcasm is absolutely free!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How do you live your dash?

A gentleman stood up to speak,At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates in his obit,From the beginning till the end.

He stated, first, the date of birth,Spoke the ending date with tears.
But, he said what mattered most of all,Was the “dash” between those years.

For the “dash” represents the span of time,Our friend spent, alive, on earth.
And only those who knew him,Know what that little “dash” is worth.

For it matters not how much we own.The cars… the house… the cash.
What matter most of all in life,Is how we live our “dash”.

Think about this long and hard,As you live and love and laugh.
Is the something you would like to change,About your epitaph?

Can we be less quick to anger?Show appreciation more?
And love the people in our lives,Like we’ve never loved before?

So, greet everyone with a friendly nod,And present them with a smile.
For your “dash” may only last you,For a precious little while.

And when your eulogy is read,And your life’s work is re-hashed;
You’ll be proud of all the things they say. About how YOU lived your “dash”.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just a thought!

If God had a refigerator, your
picture would be on it .
If He had a wallet your photo
would be in it .
He sends you flowers every
spring, and a sunrise every morning.
When you want to talk, He’ll listen .
He could live anywhere in the universe and He chose your Heart.
What about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem ?
Not to mention that Friday at Calvary .