Friday, August 15, 2008


In the new revolution of HD, could we be over simplifying our life. Yes, we want to see things clear but to what point. I know this may seem funny or obscene but there is a point. I was watching the synchronize divers from Olympics at a friends house who has HD 64inch TV. The divers do not appear to have their country flags on their rear any longer, now they are placed right of the Adidas symbol which places them on the crotch. So when a friend asked what country the divers were from, immediately the 10-12 viewers went to look at the flag and saw it with amazing detail! I just thought it was funny that some of us was squinting at the screen because the diver had moved a little to find the country flag on his groin!

At that time, I was actually thankful to have a normal TV at home. I do not need the latest thing. I have a friend that bought the new type of know the text buttons with I-Pod screen, dictionary, etc. He was excited to get this new product but 4 months later and the only thing he has used it for was as a phone. He still hasn't learned how to use it for texting. Sure it is great to have these nice products but are they needed. Many times we find luxeries a necessity. We could get by with what we have without spending the money or time with family. Yes, I could be seen as a old geezer. Telling the young people of today, "When I was a kid....". I am just simply saying that sometimes we do not need what we think we need. Maybe we should simplify our life with how we should spend our time, than look at how we can simplify our life. Sometimes the gadgets aren't worth it.
This comes from a blogger that was caught looking at the details!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree on more levels than the one you happened to see... ;)
how many material possession upgrades does an American need?
I mean really. This coming from someone that has well...enough...