Friday, April 25, 2008

Great Birthday!

Ahhhh….another birthday! Whooppee! I have never been big on birthdays. I do not care for keeping track of age, etc! To me it is pointless! You are only as old as you feel! However, this year was a special one. C-mack is now in my life and I feel completely blessed! I do not want or need a gift! Heck, I spent my birthday shopping for Carson. What does that tell you????
But this year, I received a card from Carson. That was when it hit me! I am a father!!! I have just received the first of many cards to come. I actually teared up! It was absolutely great! Then I opened up the card from my wonderful and hot wife. It has a women in a night gown sitting on the master bed. The front said “This year I give you what you have always wanted!” and the inside said “24 hours of being right!”. So we had some fun with this! I began saying ridiculous stuff like “Honey, I think it would be best to buy a truck right now!” and my wife would look at the clock to see how much time was left until my 24 hours was up. And she would say “yes, your right!”. Honey, You know my life would be more meaningfull if you were not in it and she would look at the clock and let out a frustrated breath and say “yes, your right!”. “Honey, I know that your allergic to the grass but I think it would be a good idea if you mowed the lawn!” and she would look for the clock and say “yes, your right!”. We were having a lot of fun with this! She was talking about just giving it to me every year!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
So happy for you...
It's wonderful to hear how blessed you are!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! May it be a blessing to you.


P.S. I am no longer blogging at emergentvoyageurs (on your sidebar), but