Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fire Away..........On second thought!

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

—2 Timothy 2:15

Have you ever had one of those golden opportunities in life to share the gospel, and you found that you just weren’t prepared? Or have you had someone fire some really hard questions at you, and you were just speechless?

After I had been a Christian for two weeks (in Oklahomie), I felt I needed to get out and do something with my faith. I was walking down the street and who did I run into but a very close friend from elementary school. I started witnessing to him. He was listening, and he was open. It seemed as though I was making some progress. I was getting excited.

I didn’t notice, however, that someone else was eavesdropping on our conversation. He walked up to me and said, “I have a few questions for you.”

I thought, No problem. I have been a Christian for two weeks. I think I can grapple the most theological issues at this point. Fire away.

So he fired four or five pretty tough questions at me. I can’t even remember today what they were. All I remember is that I was dumbfounded. I didn’t even have a clue. I was ashamed. I was embarrassed. But worst of all, I felt that I had let the Lord down.
I made a commitment that day—a commitment to study the Bible so I would not be caught in that position again. I can’t say that I have the answer to every question now. Nor am I suggesting that I can resolve any difficulty any person has, because I can’t. But I did realize that I needed to equip myself if I was ever to be used by God.


Thoughts From Jeff said...

I am not sure if I agree with it. I know that it is difficult, but I think the "why" is not overtly important.

I think when we truly live out what christ has called us to do and we do it; people would have fewer and fewer questions (if any) and would "want" what we have.

Unfortunately, people do not see anything they want in us.

travis said...

I did not mean to communicate more emphasis on the "why". I was just trying to relay a story about being prepared mentally and spiritally for the attack or the those that are interested. I geuss in a way I am dipping into the pool of apologetics.
About your last sentence....I am still amazed how someone can approach a Christian and say "There is something different about you, I just can't figure it out yet". Talk about a high! Wow....They actually see the difference.....That is so cool!

Thoughts From Jeff said...

Travis, I am reminded of the following statement that Reggie made.

Early on, in Athens, he (Paul) took on other religions at the Acropolis to point out the superiority of Christianity in a religious plural marketplace. Even though he argued eloquently at Mars Hill, he had very little luck in his approach. It seems that he learned from this experience that it was not superior reasoining but superior living and superior loving that was the best approach to engaging the culture with the attractiveness of the gospel.

Becareful on apologetics :)

travis said...

Good point....I am more of relationship guy than to attack someone with scripture. I believe it needs to come across with the relationship building. I have no problem with the apologetics. It is just not for me. My testimony is enough for me. How God works in my life is enough for me. Now keep in mind that above story came two weeks after accepting Christ. I was on a high! Wanted to change the world..etc..etc..etc! I have come to realize that the best way is through relationship building. Not confrontations! As Keith Green would put it "You can't just go up to a guy and hit him over the head with your bible then scream John 3:16 at him until he accepts Christ". As I was trying to put in the blog is being ready for the situation of tough questions while relationship building. I think if there is a relationship there it will not feel like that you are blindfolded on the firing line! I hope this makes sense and thank you for your comments! I really enjoy them!